Beware Post-it note manufacturers. I am coming to get you. [ 2003-11-20, 10:29 a.m. ]

Reading SaveCraig's latest put me in mind of one of the things at work that is most likely to cause me to bust a blood vessel wide open and have a stroke someday soon.

A person will leave a note for you. Then next time they see me they ask "did you get my note?" or call and ask the same. Now if the note leaving mode of communication is so ineffective that one must follow up then stop leaving the damn notes.

And the absolute worst is this. A sales rep will send a fax to me. He or she will call to make sure I got the fax. If I can't be reached they may send me an email in case I didn't get the call about getting the fax. urhhreoiughut!!!!

Also someone will send me an email, they will call and ask if I received the email. THEN they will hold on the phone while I read the email to get my response!! Why did we do the friggin email then? gawd...

Modern technology is wasted on the workplace. People still feel they must have that human contact of a voice or in person. I prefer not to see the morons I work with (save a couple little cute chickies who I don't mind some face time with) and in fact would be thrilled to be in a remote location to do my work where I didn't have to come in direct contact with the human debris around here. That's why the whole "work from home, decrease traffic and pollution blah blah" thing is going nowhere. Bosses can't stand to not have people to yell at in person. They can't stand the thought of you sitting in your blues clues pj's doing work while watching The Young and the Restless.

And while I'm at it, a pox on whoever invented post-it notes. I leave my desk for two seconds and I come back to find my computer littered with a couple dozen of the dam things. It will have two words on it that are unreadable and no name signed. I have carefully made forms for everything in the world. I even made a form to request forms! And they are in a divider right by my desk. But people love the damned post-it notes so much they bypass my forms and grab the post-its. I must stop them at the source I think. I'll blow up the factory that makes them maybe.

hmmm. A road trip. I like it.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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