The mystery of the keg toting biker [ 2003-05-15, 7:07 a.m. ]

Before we get to the mysterious happenings mentioned in the title, I must print a retraction about yesterday's announcement of beer being the cure for the commom cold. Although I felt much better for a while yesterday, today I have relapsed quite a bit. All great scientists suffer setbacks and I am undaunted by this. Maybe, the beer must be taken continuously to continue working. Or maybe a stronger substance, like liquor would work for a prolonged period. Hmmm, well the research will continue...

On the drive to work this morning, I encountered a bizarre spectacle. In the pouring rain I witnessed a man, I'd say in his mid to late 20's, on a bike with a pony keg strapped to the back. Now he wasn't dressed for the weather or in spandex and a helmet, and he had no special bike or any special basket for the keg, it was just attached to the seat by a bungee strap.

My first thought was that he was still a bit tipsy and was merely returning the empty keg to the store. But it was 6:45, what store is open then? It's not near a college campus or anything like that either. Has your life taken a bad turn when you are riding a bike in the rain to return a keg? Of course during all this thinking it never occurred to me to have the guy throw his keg and bike into the back of my truck and take him where he's going and get the whole story. But hey, I'm medicated and stuff so cut me some slack.

The best part is though that I have this mystery to think about today to make the hours of drudgery go by just a bit faster.

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