I like my mad cow on an onion roll [ 2004-01-29, 5:17 p.m. ]

Heh. Dennis Miller has a show on CNBC at 9pm nightly. Awesome. Except that I have trouble staying awake that long. I'm sure the first few minutes will be great anyway.

Have decided to stay in and no party-party for Super Bowl night. This is the second or third sure-fire party holiday in a row that I've said the hell with. It's just a phase. I'll get the itch again soon enough and wham bam.

Take the Panthers and the seven points. Patriots win Panthers cover.

Oh man, check THIS (be careful if at work!) out. Gotta be a joke, right? I never get invited to parties like this damnit! Of course if I went to a party and the host suddenly yelled "let's all wank off for peace!", I would probably just get the hell out of Dodge. The song section is just hilarious.

Speaking of songs or singing, I like everyone else have been watching American Idol the past week. I'm thinking the whole mocking weird people who can't sing thing must be getting old with me. I just haven't found it as amusing. Well except for that Hung guy singing "She bangs", that was priceless. Even funnier is that I am unfamiliar with the original (Ricky Martin?)so the only version of the song I've ever heard is this one. I want it to always be this way.

I hope to get his choreography down as well for when I go out dancing next.

That guy ruled.

Well my dinner beckons and the dog is at the back door ready to come in and I must put this entry to bed.

oh damned this entry was supposed to be this whole deal-io on Mad Cow disease.


Maybe tomorrow.

last - next

4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics