It's a tough morning when your cat lectures you. [ 2003-12-01, 7:49 a.m. ]

Suddenly the dark, still, cold night was pierced by the the most annoying sound. Voices they were, yet horrible voices. Forced and disgustingly perky from two news anchors with puffed up blow dryed hair. What the hell?

The television had come on as programmed at 4:45am. Through his scrambled and confused brain came a recollection of a time long past when this interruption in his sleep was a daily occurrence. Some four days ago, an ancient memory.

Trying to regain his composure he stumbles out of bed and passes by the worlds most spoiled dog, curled up in a ball sleeping on her dog bed. She opens a weary eye and says:

"Hey, guy who feeds me, what are you doing? We're supposed to sleep for four more hours!"

"Sorry Nik", he says "I have to go back to work now".

"WHAT?!" she said impatiently, "I thought that was all over now and you had retired or something."

"No it was just a holiday, I'm afraid."

"But guy!. You're s'posed to sleep four more hours, get up and fix bacon, give me the fatty ends, then open and close the door as I go endlessly in and out. Then you fix a sandwich, give me the last bite and then we get on the couch and watch the football games and take naps! I'm not happy about this at all, guy! You're being very selfish, what about me?"

Before he can answer the dog is back asleep.

After showering he headed to the kitchen to make some coffee and there encountered the world's loudest cat.

"Hey Guy who feeds me but doesn't clean the litter often enough, what are you doing up?"

"Hey E.B., I have to go back to work today".

"Well that's pretty stupid. You haven't worked in a few years have you?"

"It was only four days ago."

"Whatever, is the goofy cretin going with you?"

"No the dog is staying here. Really if you don't mind I'm in a hurry I am running late."

"Suit yourself, but I don't see why you have to go anywhere."

"So I have money to buy you and the dog food and so you have a place to live!"

"The dog doesn't deserve food. And anyways, I can catch my own food in the backyard, Guy! I"ll bet there's some juicy little squirrels or something out there! So see you need not leave."

"Ummm. I think you're about a pound or so over your squirrel catching days, so go do whatever you do somewhere else in the house and let me leave"

"*&&^%$#&%%^$%!!!@! cursed the world's loudest cat and she slunk away.

He passed the christmas tree that was now up and descended the stairs to the garage. Another holiday come and gone. Back to the old saltmine.


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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics