back from the grave [ 2005-09-07, 8:20 a.m. ]

I swear I try to stop worrying over the mumblings of the huddled masses, I really do. Don't get worked up by the constant spew of nonsense from Democrats and Republicans. Focus on seeking the truth, not the same old cliches from the same old bullshit pimps. Yet, this hurricane is a perfect example.
If you are a dem, then Bush created this hurricane and aimed it towards New Orleans and then got the rich, white people out and laughed as poor blacks drowned and starved. You are also so wrapped up in your hate that it's made you an idiot. Robert Kennedy? How disrespectful of the people who have died to use their dead bodies as a political rant. I would beat the ever loving snot out of him for that. Is there Global Warming? Yes. Appears to be a definite trend. Caused by man? Partly, yes. Also caused by the fact that the sun is growing warmer. The sun will get hotter and hotter until it explodes. That's what stars do. The human part? China is currently quickly catching the US as the world's largest oil consumer and is by far the largest coal producer and burner. Does no one blame them? Besides it's likely polar ice melting would stifle hurricanes not intensify as the oceans actually cool from the ice melt.
But whatever you can't throw logic and fact at zealots.
If you are a Republican, you believe that everything has gone as well as possible. You are an idiot. This is being prepared for a disaster? FEMA is inept and impotent. What happens when terrorists attack a major city? And they will, they will. What has all the billions of dollars pumped into "Homeland Security" garnered? Not a hell of a lot. The response and preparations show the Feds to be criminally lacking in almost every regard.
This is what happens when people are conditioned to believe that the Government is your protector. These poor people relied on the bloated, incompetent local, state and federal government who have been assuring the population that if we hand over billions of dollars that such emergencies will be handled. Democrats and Republicans alike are to blame for creating a population of dependants and for wasting our tax dollars on supposed security. It's time to clean house.
Who is a hero in all this? The same people as always. Individuals who went out in their own boats to save people or are opening their homes to the homeless. It is the individual who makes a difference.
So the partisians will continue with their hand wringing, race baiting, blame games with an eye towards the next elections. The rest of us will sit back and sigh and stare at all in wonderment. I think there is a clear lesson to be learned here however. If you sit back and wait for the mighty government to save your ass, well, you're screwed. And since they can't provide that, how about giving our tax dollars back to the people who need it. Those who can make a difference. God help those in need and help the rest of us to shuttup and dig in to help.

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