I'm frigid [ 2004-01-07, 5:08 p.m. ]

Did you know it was cold today? I sure did. Not because when I went out this morning to get into the truck and my testicles retracted up to my shoulders or because breathing the air into my lungs felt like I'd been stabbed. Nor was it the news reporters this morning reporting live outside the studio as if to prove it was cold. Nope. It was the fact that every single person I had occassion to talk to during work today felt it neccessary to tell me. "Hey it's cold out there!" they'd say. As if I had been trapped in the building the last 72 hours (it DOES feel like i have anyway)and had not been outside myself.

During the day as someone would see me coming in they would ask "Is it still cold outside?". Nah, although it was in the teens last night it has magically shot up to 75 this afternoon! Ugggh.

A sales rep who lives on the other side of town called me earlier and asked "Is it cold out your way?". Nah, over here exactly 20 minutes away, I'm wearing shorts and a tank top!

I know, I know. It's just people trying to make small talk and have something to say. Still please is this the best they can do? I say such a shoddy effort to make conversation should be mocked.

Now, if you can come up with a smarmy little saying about how cold it is, well that's workable. Not something old as the hills about a "witches titty" or something like that, but put a little effort into it and get creative!

"Hey it's colder than Bob Hope out there!" mobid yes, but chuckle-worthy you must admit.

"It's cold enough to make you piss ice cubes this morning!"

I have some better ones, but I'm saving them to use this winter in coversations and email. Lead by example I say. With a little effort and time I think we can all work together to make stating the obvious just a little more pleasant this winter.

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