There's no crying in golf! [ 2003-04-15, 7:01 a.m. ]

As I am a well known critic of this whole Oprah-izing of America movement of the past few years, it should come as no surprise that I take the time to comment on this Mattiace character and his "breakdown" of crying in the news conference after he lost the Masters playoff. (schoolkids should note the above is the very definition of a "run on sentence", however I claim artistic license here.)

Now I know most females of the world claim at least to appreciate an emotional male who can openly cry. They might say "He's worked so hard to get there and his emotions just have to come out". Bleh. Please be honest now. Would you want your man to become a waterfall everytime he read a hallmark card. You wouldn't, you really wouldn't.

I think it's the perspective that's lacking here. It was just golf. And this man just got a paycheck for second place of about $700,000. Let me tell you if that was me, I'd be giggling like a schoolgirl on crack. But crying? It's just a game, a game that pays this man very well, it's not life or death for goshdarnsakes. Have some dignity, some character. Excuse yourself and go into a toilet stall or something!

Now I am not some sort of hard ass, cold person at all. But I swear that if I see one more man become an emotional trainwreck on national TV I am going to wretch.

Am I just out of touch? Did I miss a memo sent out by the executive council of all men that told us to cry during Lifetime movies of the week? Was I out sick the week they told boys at school to weep like a bride left at the altar, everytime a goldfish dies?

And it's not even that I don't expect men to cry at all. Hell it's very likely that when my dog does one day die that I will. But it will be a private moment and it will involve the loss of a creature that is part of my family. It won't be because I lost a game of checkers.

Wow. I feel better having gotten that off my chest. I feel so relieved why I swear I might just feel something welling up in my eyes...

No,wait that was just the pollen affecting me, I swear it!

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