I am antiquity [ 2003-04-14, 8:13 a.m. ]

In two weeks I leave for a much anticipated and needed FULL WEEKS vacation. Yay!

Now for my vacation I am going to the outer banks of NC for a couple of days, then Colonial Williamsburg for three, then Fredericksburg, VA (just south of DC) for a couple then home. As you can see I am a huge student of history with my leanings and what I find interesting and "fun".

But as this date approaches, and I am asked by friends and co-workers where I am going and I recite the agenda, most of them look at me as if my trip consisted of having daily root canals performed at the dentist. They sort of understand the first part as it sounds like a beach, and it is. It is pretty secluded however, takes a twenty mile ferry ride to get there and has no flashy commercial districts or really much of anything. When they hear Williamsburg, they light up for a second and say "oh Busch Gardens!??", and I say no, just the historic district really.

Is there something wrong with me? It seems most of the people I know take their vacations the same as they would have if they were 18 or something. They go to a beach and or to an amusement park or Cancun or someplace that is "happening" and that is fine and all but at some point don't you grow a bit and your interests expand some? Soon enough there are kids in the picture and they then substitute Disney World or whatever into the mix. Eh. The places I choose are often me and a bunch of senior citizens!

If choosing a bit of seclusion and some learning and exploring as well as thinking about the past for my time off makes me a freak of nature then so be it. But I have enough of the fast pace and stress of the flashy, commercialized world all the time and I think sometimes the path that's a little less worn and populated is a nice change of pace.

However, as I am getting a bit tired of having to explain and/or defend my vacation choices, I think I'll just start answering something like "a cruise" just to be left in peace.

One co-worker insisted I needed to go to Paris as the rates were cheap. Sure go to a place where me and my country are hated by millions and give my money to the wussies who wouldn't help us? Why don't I just walk around "we welcome and support terrorist land" some especially since I look like the embodiment of what you look for in an American hostage. Some one else said I needed a cruise. Sounds divine. I can spend 10 days in a crowded cabin playing shuffleboard until I get projectile vomiting and diarrhea from that cruise ship disease. Why not travel to China or Hong Kong wear a surgical mask and try to avoid SARS, I hear there are great deals to be had!

No, no thank you. I'll stick with the good old US of A. Maybe I'm not jet-setting to someplace exciting or exotic, but I am willing to wager I will come back refreshed and feeling like I had a nice break.

In the meantime, I'll just try not to murder the next person who tells me I need to vacation in Afghanistan or something.

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