White collar, blue collar, ring around the collar [ 2004-01-13, 5:04 p.m. ]

As I have oft said, I mean what I say, I say what I mean and I love to hear myself say it. Or something.

Today I have had an endless stream of meetings with sales reps and some co-workers as well. In these meetings the result has already been decided beforehand yet you must go through the formality of a meeting about it as if you are listening. That is the hard part for me, really. To appear to be interested and listening. And awake, to appear awake.

"Yes, I see your point (I say)but here's a memo outlining how this should be done going forward (memo dated yesterday before "open discussion"). But that's the way it has to be. You have to always appear to have the answers. I once had a boss tell me to never to come to him with a question without an answer of some sort ready to go. I have never forgotten that and it has served me well.

And appearances. It's not what you accomplish so much as how much it "appears" you accomplish. "He always seems so busy!". "What does he do?" "I dunno, but whatever it is he does a lot of it!"

All in all "careers" are merely something that have been provided to keep us occupied all day and busy. That's why the government wants to "guarantee" us all jobs constantly. "I want all Americans to be fully employed" they say. They just don't want us to be out and about with time to think is what it is!

Well, just 30-40 years to go and I can retire! Yippee! It's what I live for!

Oh well, it's my 10th hour of work today so I had to rant. Please excuse me!

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