Cattle prods and makeup [ 2003-08-01, 6:11 a.m. ]

During my lovely work day, I have occassion to go to an upstairs stock room we have here to check out what I need to order, blah-boring-details-blah. This being a remote area with no phones and quite peaceful, I often take advantage of this and after I do a look around, I may spend a few minutes taking a bit of a break. The only entertainment there is to stare out the windows to the parking lot.

Never one to just mindlessly waste time (if only you knew how ridiculous that statement is), I have thus conducted the following study on the habits of people getting out of their cars for their appointments in the building. I have grouped the subjects into these categories.

The Bolters-- I fall into this group myself. They arrive and pull into the first space they see quickly. Then as if a cattle prod has been applied to their backside they jolt out of the car apparently in the belief that it will explode in 10 seconds.

The Fiddlers-- To be honest I thought this one would be mostly women. But alas, my sexist thoughts were wrong. Many men fall into this. These people need to arrive very early for their appointment. They adjust everything about their person two or three times. Hair, makeup, the buttons on their shirt. They read through whatever paperwork they had carefully once then twice. It seems that no reason is too small or time consuming to keep them from exiting their vehicle. Once they do, the vehicle itself is often stared at to make sure it's safe and secure. I figure these people are stalling, worried about going to a doctor, but still these people scare me.

The Scramblers-- These are the "late for their own funeral" people I believe. They arrive in a tizzy, likely late for their appointment. With one hand finishing breakfast or lunch, the other is finishing the basic grooming not done at home beforehand. They are frantic at all times searching for things they likely left at home in their haste. Exiting their vehicle, the spend time finishing dressing in their wrinkled clothes they grabbed off the floor at home. These are the fun ones to watch. Out of breath they run into the building already late. If only they hadn't finished watching the last of Regis and Kelly Lee before they left home...

So there it is, my comprehensive study. As a good citizen I feel it is my duty to give back in anyway that I can to enrich society and our understanding of it. And some day I may actually do that!

Thanks for your rapt attention.

Dr. Gutterpoet

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