Would you watch it with a fox? In a box? [ 2003-11-25, 9:06 a.m. ]

What o' what are they doing to us?

I refer to the fiasco that is the new "Cat in the Hat" movie.

I grew up reading Seuss just as most of us did. I also enjoyed the little cartoons they did in the '60's or '70's, whenever that was. These cartoons were faithful to the books and just as wonderfully loopy and silly and possibly drug induced. I loved them. Loved them. I still even love them.

Then some moron sells the rights to Hollywood. First, they ruin The Grinch with that assclown Jim Carey and his questionable "I look like I'm having a seizure" acting skills. It was unwatchable. For that travesty, I have issued a curse to all involved.

Now, someone I actually like, Mike Myers and this raping and pillaging of the "Cat in the Hat" is foisted upon us. I've not seen this, nor will I. I know the critics have panned it. Just from the commercials I can tell you they are taking horrid liberties with the script. The Cat looks just damned creepy. Not in that good creepy way but in the bad way that Michael Jackson looks creepy.

IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE!! What's next? "Horton hears a Hoo" starring my least favorite actor in the world Robin Williams? If so, I am warning the powers that be, there may be violence inflicted upon the makers of the wretched product. "Green Eggs and Ham" starring Emeril? I"ll make Al Queda look like choirboys, don't push me.

Does Hollywood produce anything these days that is not another retread of the same tired story or an act of vandalizing a classic? This is why I haven't seen but two new movies in the past year. I swear I may just not watch anything produced after 1970 anymore. Or maybe nothing with talking in the them. Yeah Yeah, the "Talkies" ruined film making I tell you!!! It's silent films for me from now on.

Except for "Porkys" maybe. Now that was a fine movie.

Charlie Chaplin, where are you when we need you?!?!?

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