God bless you if you can read this insane entry [ 2003-10-16, 7:43 a.m. ]

I have so much to say and so little time to say it, that I fear for the well-being of this poor entry.

First of all, I am indeed a hero. Yes, thank you. I am at least to myself and a bespeckled canine. Whilst making my way this morning down the LeMans course, I saw a poor dog apparently walking down the side of the road was on a small bridge out of the corner of my eye. He had no escape then from my truck and so he freaked out and darted in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and swerved to the best of my ability and somehow, some way avoided this poor guy. He took off like a shot past the bridge and disappeared towards a house. Learn your lesson my canine friend, learn your lesson. But yes, I am literally more worried about a dog than I am potentially making myself crash.

You know that leaves me in a positive light right there. I'd like that impression to linger a bit before I start my review of the lesbionic movie I watched this morning and it ruins my standing in the community. So I'll just shelve that for now and stay a hero. In fact since I am being pegged apparently by my local Libertarian party as someone who should run for local office, maybe I should only portray myself like this from now on. Certainly, I don't need to pick up my newspaper and read "Candidate Gutterpoet was assailed by his opponent for saying "I can't believe in a God who finds it a sin for two hot women to make out". My word, but what a rich vein my diary would make to be used as fodder against me.

Although, I was also told that it was because I was attractive that was the key to my possible selection. Should I be offended by that?

nah, of course not.

I must go now while I still have the respect of the masses. No review of "Playmates of the apes" from this guy. No sir.

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scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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