Me? An activist? [ 2003-06-09, 7:35 a.m. ]

Today I stand before you, errr, or rather as I sit before this keyboard which types the words that go out that stand before you, as someone who walks the walk as well as talks the talk. Or do I have that backwards?

Anyway, I've done three worthy things this past weekend. First I officially joined the Libertarian Party. I came out of the closet on this some time ago but now it's 100% official. I sent money and volunteered my time. It's easy to sit in the middle and criticize the Dems and the Republicans but now I stand FOR something not always just anti-this and that. I have always been socially very liberal and fiscally very conservative. This 50-50 split made me uncomfortable with both the major parties. I am probably on board with 90% of the Libertarian platform. The other 10%? I'll be working on that now from the "inside".

Second I joined and volunteered to help the Citizens for Fairtax org. It's well known how I feel about this subject.

Last but not least, I recently have revamped a personal website I had and that work is now done. I present to the public at large, guttercity . Sure my website creating skills are minimal and it's a rudimentary start, but I'm trying anyway! You'll find some articles by my friend Rico, a bit to the Right, me of course, and my usual ramblings somewhere in the middle, and early this week some social commentary from a female friend, Aroha. Anyone who reads any of it and nearly has a stroke, please don't hesitate to send me your own writings and I will put that up as well. Even if your article is entitled "1001 ways the gutterpoet sucks".

So maybe all of this is trivial and goofy, but at least now I can feel that I have a bit more personal credibility with myself since I have stepped off my high horse to join the parade in a few small ways.

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