The Mood Gods strike again. [ 2003-07-10, 6:51 a.m. ]

Oh, this is going to be one of those entries that will bring my sanity into question.

Work is the great "mood equalizer" for me. It's inevitable that if I arrive in a good mood work can turn it bad in minutes. Today I arrive sore and achey from my run last night and yard work and ready to be good and pissy. I would be like "Terry Tate office linebacker" and love every second of it.

I arrive scowling and growling ready to destroy all that dare cross me. As I begin my daily parade to my office, coffee in hand, I pass a gaggle of nurses standing talking. Standing talking apparently about me! I stroll over ready to lay waste to those who dare speak my name. However..

"We were just talking about how you are running and working out and how good you were looking". "ummm hummm!" she grunted.

What? My belligerent mind could not process.

"Yeah and your hair has gotten so blonde from the sun, it's definitely working for you"

My perfectly bad mood ruined. I smile and begin small chit chat loving the moment.

I then continue to my office now skipping and whistling a happy tune. The sweaty runs in the heat and rain, now paying off. I AM in good shape, and who the hell are we kidding? I AM hot!

Again, remember though, the Mood Gods cannot allow good moods to prevail.

Minutes later business takes me back to the scene of my earlier triumph. The same gaggle is again laughing.

I saunter up again, expecting to hear now how they all want me and want me badly. But instead....

"We were just noticing that your eyebrows are so blonde it looks like you don't have any!" she said laughing hysterically.

"Yeah", said another,"you're like Legally Blonde now!". "He's Legally Blonde 2!"

(I have dirty blonde hair that gets very blonde during the summer if I'm outdoors or at the beach) So now I have no eyebrows and a new nickname from a chick flick. Outstanding. My mood heads south. But not far enough to be bad just neutral and blah. Damn but the Mood Gods can't let you enjoy a moment can they?

And since I'm bitching and moaning...While getting more coffee a news story comes on that has "Roanoke, Va" on it. Since everyone knows I am from there all heads in the breakroom turn to me. I hang my head since the last time was that gay bar shooting incident and I had to answer questions about it repeatedly, despite not having lived there in a few years. It was some 4-H club where they had a "Fight Club" sort of thing going on. I don't know. But again I am a spokesman for Roanoke! Look Star City, either start sending me money as your press agent or stop doing goofy things I have to talk about!

And soo we bring to a halt the insanity....for now.

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4 - 2006-07-04

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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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