A funny thing happened while in pursuit of happiness [ 2003-04-03, 7:22 a.m. ]

I don't know at what point this happened. But a very funny thing happened while I was on my pursuit of happiness. I found it!

"The Pursuit of Happiness". Touted as one of our God given rights by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independance, this pursuit has come to almost single-handedly define us Amercians. We most often try to find this happiness in having material things. Some think it's the huge house or the hot car or the hot girlfriend/boyfriend, but something concrete to define our happiness. So I suppose like most I trudge through the day to day life and dream of winning the lottery or having a supermodel place a 3am "booty call" to me or suddenly having the world realize that I am certainly meant to be a celebrity of some sort. But at some point, when I wasn't looking, things fell into place for me and I have to say, yes, I am actually happy. There was no dramatic pause to alert me to this moment or marching band, parading elephants or thirty clowns piled in a car zigzagging in front of me. It wasn't anything I could point out or show really, just a collection of small things that had finally just snapped into place. Were these things there all the time? Did I finally just see them? Or was there some supernaturally occurrence that suddenly lined all this up?

I don't know, and I suppose it doesn't matter really. Maybe I have just become older or wiser. Hmmm.

But it would have been nice if life could have placed a marker in the road to tell me when this happened because I might have passed right by all this and never known. Or I could write a book with the formula and make mega-millions.

Well anyway, if I may be excused now, I've got some contentment to go out and enjoy.


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