Cats pleasuring Madonna for $40 [ 2003-09-02, 9:34 a.m. ]


I had a very nice weekend. My knee improved, I golfed, I hiked, I went to a party, I drank, I watched football, it was as stated previously, very nice.

So here we are in September. Dear God.

I move in four friggin weeks! accckkkk! Not only am I only so-so ready for this, but I have a 9 day vacation out of town in the middle of it. Needless to say I will be and am now busier than a three legged cat masturbating on ice (or however that goes). Oh and if you are one of the fortunate ones who regularily email me (and if you aren't what is your problem that you don't?) please know I am not ignoring you, I just haven't been on the puter at home in a few days. Tonight, or errr. tomorrow maybe. Soon, I swear!

With my pardons to groovebunny, I do have some comments on the Britney-Madonna spit swapping publicity stunt extravaganza. As many of you know I do love it when women make out. Last week after hearing some ranting religous first stone casters talk about this "sin" being on TV and on the front page of the paper, I told them that "surely if the women are hot it is no sin". Madonna isn't really hot anymore I don't think and she's like 50, but it was still passable. Did ya notice how though she keep her mouth closed when kissing Christina Ag? If Madonna considers you too skanky to french then you might want to look at your lifestyle. But I just want to heartily endorse this to catch on in general society. In fact "she who hopes to someday drive me into the grave and collect the vast gutterpoet estate" cemented her significant other status after kissing another chick for my benefit (and for $40) at a bowling alley (yes it was quite a night). The funny part was that my friend paid the girls the money and then missed it happening. A few minutes later they did again because, well, I think they enjoyed it and again only I saw it. Later, she puked in my car but it was still oh so worth it.

I really had a point prior to all that rambling I did but hell, I can't remember now. So for anyone who couldn't follow all the above I'll try to better next time.

Over and out.

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