Soul Farming [ 2003-03-12, 6:53 a.m. ]

A bit earlier I had the misfortune to be sitting with some of my co-workers in the breakroom. This is something I try to avoid since odds are that I will hear something that makes me wish to decapitate myself. This occasion was no exception. Today the assembled braintrust were discussing what happened to your soul after death. That's a bit weighty to comtemplate over a bagel and coffee first thing in the morning and I tried, Lord I tried, to stay out of this. This is a discussion that can't be answered, there is no proof for any point of view. Finally I could take no more. I don't know what prompted this thought process but I am now quite taken with it. I call it the Soul Farming Concept. I stated that I thought that upon death souls popped up towards an area where all the now-ripe souls were collected. There the higher being or maybe his staff (the higher being can't be expected to do all the menial work) take these souls and put them on kind of a sorting apparatus like a farmer might use for apples or something. Then the souls are sorted by quality. This one was a serial killer and rotted, throw that out. This one, well just boring really, toss that one. This one seems to be missing something. And so on. I like this idea, I mean every soul can't be of equal value and some you just don't want going back in to the system. So you live a good life and are generally a good person and you get stuck back into production.

Not suprisingly this seem to offend both the agnostic and deeply religious contigents at the table and I quickly found myself left alone for the tranquility my morning coffee deserves.

In the meantime, I will think of the benevolent farmer in the sky working at his task night and day and wonder if he or she or it wears bib overalls. And a straw hat.

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