Nikki says "Stay" [ 2003-03-11, 7:45 a.m. ]

Let me say right upfront that eventhough I love my dog dearly, I am not one of those people who thinks that an animal like a dolphin or elephant have the wisdom of the universe inside them if only we could communicate. However, there are things we can learn from our animal friends. For instance, my dog Nikki will not eat if she is not hungry or if she is sick. Me? Why if it's dinner time I'll stuff it in whether hungry or not. When she is tired she sleeps. Whether that be on the floor, outside, whatever, she sleeps. Me? I'll deny myself sleep to watch a re-run of "Andy Griffith".

So this morning as I am getting ready to leave for work, I went out on the back deck to call Nikki in so I could leave. It was a beautiful, peaceful morning and Nikki was bounding through the woods having a grand time. She sees me and runs up to the deck and plops down in front of me and stares at me. We then had sort of a conversation. Now before you run screaming and yelling that the next Son of Sam has been found, I didn't hear a voice this was just our unspoken communication.

Nikki: Hey, Guy Who Feeds Me! What's up?

Guy Who etc: I have to go to work, come on in.

Nikki: But there's lots to do back here. A dog pee'd on our fence, let's go smell it!

Guy etc: But really I have to go.

Nikki: Just the other day we went for a hike for hours. Let's do that!

Guy etc: That was the weekend, that's different, I have to go make money so that you may have food.

Nikki: Food? I've got plenty in my bowl. Say! Let's go for a walk around the block, I so LOVE to poop in that litte yappy dog's yard!

Guy etc: Yeah I like when you do that too, but they're expecting me to be there.

Nikki: Do THEY come up and lick your face? Are THEY all happy to see you when you get there like I am? How about we just sit here and watch the birds in the trees for a while. One might land where I can get it!

Guy etc: Nik, it's very important that I get there, I have lots to do.

Nikki: Well the Girl Who Pets Me is already on the way to work, isn't that enough? Why do you both have to go?

Guy etc: Yeah, we could probably manage with just one working, but you need things and...

Nikki: But look it's going to be a beautiful sunny day! You don't get many of these in your life! Is that a squirrel? Let's go see the squirrel!

Guy etc: C'mon Nik, I have to go.

Nikki: Okay Guy I understand. But when you get here let's play throw the ball for a while. I'll be ready when you get here!!!

Guy etc: I know you will girl. I know you will.

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