I want to be a cowboy! [ 2003-06-24, 6:15 a.m. ]

Does anyone really like their job?

Last night after a bad day at work, I'm flipping channels mindlessly and I come across some woman talking about jobs. "Do what you love", she says, "and you'll love what you do". Easy for you to say as you get paid to go around stating the obvious on TV. Pardon me lady, but I haven't seen the position of "Tiffani Amber Thiessan's intoxicated love slave" listed in the want ads.

I am quite sure when I was child I never answered, "I'd like to be a Material's Manager for an outpatient surgery center" when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. But they're always telling you that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up. Don't buy the hype kids! If I had gotten more realistic answers, I could have prepared. Sure, you're a little league star now and want to play pro, but in 20 years you'll be in middle management while that kid who sucks at baseball will be a lawyer and have all the chicks.

Then I was going to be a rock star. I was in a band in high school and for a bit thereafter, and made some good money and all. But I think to become one of those you have to be disturbed in some way to be driven enough to spend your every waking moment playing music.

So I suppose at best you just find something you can tolerate well enough and make enough money to pay the bills. Isn't that exciting? One day when I have kids though and little gutterpoet jr. comes home and is excited because he hit the winning home run and kissed a cheerleader blah, blah, I will tell him how he needs to buddy up instead with that little nerdy Gates kid over there everyone makes fun of all the time.

But in the meantime if somehow Ms. Amber Thiessan is reading this I stand ready to put in my two week notice. Just say the word.

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