There's a house for sale in the neighborhood... [ 2003-02-27, 9:03 a.m. ]

RIP Fred Rogers, Mr. Rogers if you will. Who's next Captain Kangaroo? Perish the thought, perish the thought. What a different world it was when we watched Mr. Rogers. When a man who changed clothes in public and spent his time talking to children didn't end up getting busted for kiddie porn collections. When it was harmless to leave your children in the hands of a man who wanted to take them to the "Land of Make Believe". You didn't see Mr.Rogers getting caught whacking off behind a tree at a playground while watching a little boy on the monkeybars.

Oh where have we gone wrong? Who do our kids have now? Pee Wee Herman? Michael Jackson? oh my. And while I'm on the subject, look at the cartoons and programs for children. No longer is it enough to watch Wiley Coyote explode while chasing the roadrunner or Bugs Bunny cross dressing to foil Elmer Fudd or Pepe Le Pew running around trying to screw a cat. No, now we have to ram messages down their throat in line with whatever political correctness is in vogue at the time. There can't be violence or any hint of poking fun at anyone in cartoons, just bland vanilla nonsense that offends no one. or entertains anyone. Children can't be children they are forced to deal with Big Bird catching AIDS from Snuffalufagus!!

We'll miss Fred Rogers, we need men in cardigans to come sit with our children who we don't have to worry will start asking about their pee-pee's.

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