YARGGGGG! [ 2005-01-17, 9:18 a.m. ]

Even though I had to work today which is a holiday for many, I've still been able to enjoy the holiday because...
Schools were out so the roads were not clogged with soccer moms/dads dropping their bratty brood off at school (gawd forbid anyone ride a bus anymore) for a day of non-learning endoctrination in the government schools. Also not clogging the road, slack-arse government employees driving just like they work on my dime, that is, with a few fingers if not hands stuck up their backsides. And likely doing the same things they are paid to do every day like eating biscuits, smoking like a chimney, drinking coffee and NOT getting out of my way. Yarggggg!
I happened behind a private sector worker bee like myself though, who's multi-tasking skills were impressive if not scary. She was, I think, drinking, eating, smoking, applying makeup and passing cars by weaving in and out of traffic like a NASCAR driver all at the same time. Yarggg! again.
In the pat myself on the back dept, I was on the money with each and every football playoff game this week. I picked the winners AND the degree of which they would win. If I had an actual bet however, I couldn't have done squat, my luck being what it is.
And how many, I say, HOW MANY times must those St. Louis Rams have their arses handed to them in the Georgia Dome in a season before they go back from whence they came with their previously mentioned beaten tails between their legs and stop trying to play with the big boys? Actually I guess that answer is two, since their season is now over. Yarrgggg!

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once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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