I'm so pilled up that I rattle.... [ 2004-07-08, 9:03 a.m. ]

What a world we live in, ya know?

We are a nation who spends billions to lose a war against so-called "drugs", which much like prohibition, has led to a very wealthy class of criminals who like to go around shooting people.

Yet, at the same time, we take pills like they are going out of style. Last night I saw a commercial for a couple of the new ones. It is fascinating! One was for "getting rid of stress" and the other for "helping with memory loss" although how those people will remember to mention the commerical to their doctor is beyond me.

Anti-stress huh? So a plant that grows in the ground and gets rid of stress (like nobodies' bidness!)is illegal and dangerous. However, a concoction of chemicals from a lab to relieve stress is pushed on TV commercials! Puhleaze, anyone care to explain that one to me?

We are drugging our entire family. Since we have no time to spend with our kids and have no clue how to discipline them ("time out" my arse) we drug them into submission with Riddilin. ADD or ADD/DHT or ADDDHT with a twist of lemon please, whatever! Little Billy is doing so great on his medicine! He's been in that chair for four days without moving. He's such a joy!

Grandpa doesn't get around so well anymore but he's had a woody now for four days! And I feel so great on my new medicine. A pill in the morning for energy, then one for anti-stress and one for anti-depression. Later to relax I have one for relaxation and one for sleeping. I feel awesome! At least I think.

But perhaps the strangest thing to me is that people who are willng to pay seven bucks for an "organic, grown by monks in the mountains and touched only by rain and sunshine" head of lettuce (full of insect holes likely) because it's pure and natural and yes ORGANIC are perfectly willing to pop mind and mood altering chemicals into their mouths like it's going out of style.

These are the sort of contradictions that would drive me crazy were I not taking my happy pills every day. Lalalalala.

But I sometimes like getting pissed off! Stress sometimes pushes me to work harder. Bad things make the good feel so much better when they happen. I want to feel it all. The good, the bad and the boring.

I don't blame "Big Drug" or the doctors or anyone but the people who line up to get these things.

What is life without the highs and the lows and the joy and the pain.

Why it's not life at all if you ask me.

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