cursing in the rain, just cursing in the rain [ 2004-06-24, 7:39 a.m. ]

Yesterday afternoon after arriving home, I did my usual scan of the world on the computer.

I had just finished reading of the adventures in the rain of the lovely flufflebunny from across the pond. I went to check on the dog outside and looked up to see the looming dark clouds to the West. So, I grabbed the leash and we quickly ran out the door for our evening run, in an attempt to beat the rain.

It was sticky, sticky hot and humid. But as the clouds blew in, a nice breeze picked up and refreshed us. It started to sprinkle a bit and we stopped and contemplated turning around. "eh", I told Nik, "a little rain will only cool us off and might even be refreshing". Yeah, I talk to my dog a lot, doesn't everyone?

As we rounded the last corner to start back towards home the wind began to howl and the rain picked up. At this point it actually was refreshing and Nik seemed to have that "dog smile" on her face. As we got within about a block of being home, the heavens opened up. Big time. This was no refreshing rain, this was an f*ing monsoon! And suddenly the lightning and thunder kicked on. Okay, this was now officially not a lot of fun. That last half a block we were running straight into the gusty winds with the rain driven directly into our faces. It seemed to take an hour to cover that last little bit.

Another surprise awaited us when we made it to the garage door. The power was out. I couldn't see where I was going to make it through the garage. Nik became a seeing eye dog and led me right to the door.

Four towels later, the two of us were dry to a reasonable extent. Now what? No computer, no TV, nothing to do. So, I *gasp* sat down and started reading. I called the Sig Ot who was across town and asked her to bring me something to eat on the way through since I had no power to cook anything.

Then I, with the dog lying next to the chair and the cat up above my head on the chair, settled into the peace and quiet and read for a while. Very relaxing. I should lose power more often.

But the next time I go for a jolly stroll in the rain, I need to pick a storm a little less hurricane-like possibly.

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