you in your parka, I ,in my birthday suit [ 2004-07-16, 7:33 a.m. ]

In my time on this big blue ball known as Earth, I have learned that there are few things that are constant and can always be depended on.

One of those is that women are always freezing. Always. There could be exceptions I am sure but in my experience it's nearly 100%. Take the lovely Sig Ot, for example. If the temperature in my house at any point dips below about 90 degrees, she will without fail comment about how "it's like the North Pole in here"! She will struggle through sheer will to move her obviously frost-bit limbs and head for the closet. Moments later, she will emerge in a parka, a ski mask, and snow boots. Meanwhile, I am in shorts, no shirt and sweating while the dog pants mightily. She however, looks like she's ready to ascend Mt. Everest.

I've often wondered why the modern gal, with her sophisticated adult toys, no longer in need of a man as caretaker, would even keep us around anymore. Well, the answer, I think, is that we men serve as a giant hot water bottle in bed to keep them warm. It is the last remaining vestige of what keeps us useful and viable to the female gender. Once they figure this temperature thing out, we're gone.

A couple days ago on hot summer day, as it can only be in Georgia in July, 90 odd degrees and 100% humidity (hotter than the very surface of the sun) I was heading across the parking lot to my truck to go home. I was sweating before I had taken three steps. As I walked I noticed a family coming into the building. The father had on a tank top and shorts and sandals (eegads a man with sandals!), the mother had long sleeves and jeans! The daughter had on a friggin coat!!

That is one hell of a disparity there. My truck cannot pump enough cold air in July for me to wear a coat. The very thought makes me break out in a sweat. In fact, this time a year I really wish I could ride around in my truck buck-ass naked. Ahhh. Put the windows down, rolling down the road the wind whipping through my...

But if Murphy's Law and your mothers' warnings about wearing your most decrepate underwear clearly dooms you to be in an accident or the hospital, just imagine how escalated your odds of being pulled over are when you are sans clothing!

Of course, if you are a male that is. If a female was pulled over and found to be in a disrobed state by a male cop however, not only would she not be ticketed but would likely get a police escort to her destination. But we know that won't happen because she will be likely wearing a ski suit behind the wheel.

As I always say, women are by far the most evolved and superior sex. But at least we men have this cold tolerance thing going for us. Down the road when technology makes men unnecessary for even reproduction and we've been totally kicked to the curb by the females in charge, you'll find us happily settled in the nothern reaches of the globe in the freezing cold and snow, wearing shorts, gathered around a fire grilling some whale, drinking a beer talking about how great the cold weather feels.

And least that's how I see it.

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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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