now....where was I? [ 2004-03-24, 5:21 p.m. ]

Okay I'm back. I think.

I'll not bore well...myself, with my tales of chasing a little white ball around 6000 yards of the great outdoors. Needless to say, but holy jeebanus!! where did the time go? It was keen though to return and get to see the sig ot and the dog (I had the order reversed but decided that might not help me in the "adult activity" area at all)once again.

We didn't get back until 10pm and I was as wiped out as Martha Stewart's career. I was quite the cranky ass at work today, though that can be fun. So much fun was being cranky that it actually elevated me to a good mood by days end.

I was knee deep in sales reps as well. One was a goofy looking dude who was however, helpful and worthwhile to see. Another was one I've met before who is so Hot (as you can see "hot" with a capital "H" no less!) that I never really remember what she has said. Okay, I can be a typical guy, sue me.

And I missed American Idol because I was driving! I just hope that goofy Matt or Tad or whatthehellever, the guy who reminds you every five seconds he played football, gets voted off the island tonight. I find him highly irritating. And there is no way that moron is 25. Maybe 45.

At this point I could ramble for hours but my fingers are tired of typing so I'll go the oral route for a while until I am rambled out.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics