regarding Miss Nevers and her breach of etiquette [ 2004-12-20, 9:17 a.m. ]

Yawser! It's 15.8 degrees farenheit (-9 celsius to the rest of the world out there) this very morning. How do I know? With my handy dandy super duper probe. And no that's not just a pickup line of some sort. (although if it works for ya, give me a call) But I installed a temperature probe outside (out of direct sunlight and precip of course) that gives me a readout inside. And yes, I'm just that goofy that this excites me. The Sig Ot mocked me for this. YET, she spent the entire weekend running over and announcing the temp as it dropped. So who is mocking who now? Or is whom is mocking whom now? whatever, mocking is to be had.
My parents were in this weekend to exchange gifts and such since I can't travel too far yet. We had a grand time but I got a gift and a half let me tell you. A Kodak 5mp camera! Dude, but it is a swank camera. And now when I take a picture and want it enlarged I won't be laughed at because I took it with a lowly 1.9mp camera. Take that snapfish!
I'm going to buy the nifty docking station and all that jazz and there will be no stopping me then.
Oh and I posted a couple pics from my time off over there on the right column, but it was taken with the old inferior camera so I can't promise much and as always they are only pictures I would care to see anyway. But...
the visit was very nice and this makes the fifth time my guest room has been used this year. So I think the expense of setting it up appears justified.
Also of some note, I will be in the next couple of weeks setting up a new site (on diaryland and blogger)where I will put all my political rampages. That way anyone who could care less about hearing me prosthelytize and rant (that would be most people I imagine) will not have it hit them upside the keyboard without warning after innocently clicking on my diary. I have an uncanny knack of pissing off both liberals and conservatives with equal ease (which I take great pride in by the way), so be warned!
Let's see, I think I covered it all. I'm a weather geek. Got good loot from parents. I piss people off.
Yep, I think that about covers it.
Happy secular and non-specific celebration season to all!

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

Dec 18th pics