Marble in mouth disease [ 2004-12-01, 11:19 a.m. ]

While surfing the offerings in TV land this morning, I landed on the Imus in the morning televised radio show (huh?). This Imus is a strange ass dude in his western attire as bought at Walmart look and weird western set in the middle of NYC. Anyway, this morning he was interviewing Tom Brokaw who is anchoring his last NBC Nightly News tonight. Now, here you have two men with "marbles in the mouth" disease. I swear that I barely understood any of it. If you had thrown in Charlie Brown's teacher you would have had the perfect threesome.
Perfect thressome. Ahhh. ummm. nevermind. (moving right along)
The animals are starting to steer my daily schedule. The dog insists I arise at 7am to make coffee and breakfast and let her out to romp. But if I am not back in bed to nap by 9am the cat will literally come find me and start bellowing at me. Her nap experience must include "the Guy" I suppose.
I am proud to report I no longer live in fear of the sneeze. Early in my convalescence one day, I was walking back to bed from the bathroom when I was overtaken with the urge to sneeze. I knew this might hurt, so I grab the sink for support. It was not enough. As a sneeze apparently uses nearly every muscle, especially those up and down the spine, it hit me like a howitzer. My legs gave way, all went black a second and I hit the floor most uncermoniously. The dog came running to my aid, which meant licking me in the face as I struggled to gather myself. Wearing the back brace that I do (it somewhat resembles a corset I think) it is impossible to bend so rolled myself over slowly and crawled back to bed using the strength of my elbows. Then I used the bed to pull myself up. Since then I have feared a repeat. But I am happy to report that I can now sneeze without hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes. It just feels like a punch in the back. I can handle that.
Ohhh. Also I really am addicted to the BBC America show "Ground Force". They don't just put in a garden, they build stuff with power tools and such as well!! And that red-haired chick Charlie is a freakin' work horse. Anyway, watching English gardens built is my current addiction.
Well that and Coca-Cola.

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