is a hot dog at 3am called dinner or breakfast? [ 2004-06-10, 5:45 p.m. ]

Does anyone but me find it weird to think sometimes how when you are kid you think your parents have everything under control and all the answers and then when you become an adult yourself you realize they were just wingin'it the whole time?

Yeah, me either, I was just checking. And by the way, the opening sentence shows without question that I am the King of the run-on sentence. So bow down dammit!

Wow more death today, Old Ray Charles. First Ronaldus Maximus and now this. Is it wrong to still say "even Ray Charles could see that!" now that he's 6 feet under? And is my Reagan imitation with him saying "who am I, I already thought I was dead" no longer funny.

Maybe I just need new, more modern material.

But Reagan is being buried at sunset on his ranch. I do like that. I'm going to get that written into mine I think. I also like the being on display like that in the Rotunda. I probably can't arrange that however. Maybe they could just lay my body out on the curb for a while instead. But would anybody really even notice another dead body on a DC street? buhdumbah!

That brings to mind an incident one night in DC. We played a show at a frat at G.W. downtown. About 3am or so we were done and hungry, and likely drunk. I also seem to remember making out with some girl who ended up being someones' sister, I dunno sorry I digress. But the guys told us about an all night street vendor where you might get a hotdog. Sure enough there was, and there was also a bit of line which we got in. Then a car full of gangbangers pulls up to the curb, intent on cutting line and getting some dogs. They push some poor guy out of the way and another starts to give them shiote and they drop the dude right there on the sidewalk!

And I never got my dam hotdog either!

That was the same night a couple of us had gone earlier and rode to the White House a few blocks away on skate boards. We paraded back and forth right in front and yelled god knows what at Clinton. Back then you could walk right up to the fence. These days we would have been shot by the Secret Service. How times change.

Geez Louise, how did I get onto that whole story? See, this is what it's like to talk to me in person. I've been told I am exhausting to talk to sometimes. It must be headache inducing.

I have more incredible DC stories, to be sure, but I don't want to give away the whole farm in one entry.

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4 - 2006-07-04

The bacon rebellion - 2006-06-25

scattergories - 2006-06-19

once more into the breach boys - 2006-06-05

not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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