The tale of Handi-Man [ 2004-12-29, 7:37 a.m. ]

Apparently goshforsaken 2004 isn't done kicking me in my nether regions yet!
Yesterday, rather than send someone to do it, I took a small tray back to the nearby hospital. It's a healthy little walk to do so and I thought that would do me good to strengthen those stubborn leg muscles. Ahem.
About halfway through my mission, in the main hallway of the hospital, one of my legs decides "eh, I've had enough of this" and buckles. Thereby, my tray and me hit the ground with a tremendous crash. People came running up, freaking out and trying to help me up.
"Do you need a doctor?" "Can we get you a wheelchair?"
Uggghhh. Total humiliation like I can't explain. I told them I had just had surgery yada yada and was fine. However, I was not really so much with all the fineness. My knee was swelling up like a balloon. Damn 2004, I will get you, oh yes I will.
So a bit of a setback for moi. But at least I am limping not from my back really. Just my destroyed knee! Progress! ? ! ??
I realize that I currently have less than 50% leg use. It's likely that thise will improve all or mostly in six or more months, BUT sometimes it doesn't and I was a worst case scenario of this injury. My point?
I'm a lousy handicapped person. I don't want a special parking spot, I don't want an ugly ass ramp, just get the hell out of my way there sparky. Differently abled? Shut up moron! Does this look handi-able to you? Yeah, if I stay this way it could get ugly. Of course, I think I am the last person in America who isn't in line for a handout or thinking everyone owes me something, and I won't be some kind of crazed activist marching on DC so I have handicap ramps built to bungee jumping platforms or something. But fear not, there aren't many of us individualists left and we are dying off every day!
See what I mean? I'm quite the snotty cripple.
I think I need to find a bunker somewhere to hide until blessed 2005 sweeps in.
Anyone got a left over bunker in your back yard from the whole Y2K farce? I'll just need it for two days.

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