Cat scratch fever [ 2005-01-01, 9:19 a.m. ]

2005 came in like a cat clawing my arm. Because well, a cat was clawing my arm. E.B. (the world's loudest cat four years running now) had apparently been where she is not supposed to be on my nightstand. Seeing me waking she decided to jump over to the bed to escape getting in trouble. However, her middle name will never be "Grace" and she missed her mark and while falling backwards clawed my arm in an attempt not to fall. Not a great start for me and 2005.
But we had met a bit earlier as well. Let me go back and finish off the business of 2004 first though, so I can finally throw my shoe at it and chase around the corner for good.
The Sig Ot and I had dinner reservations in the sleepy little town just 10 miles north. I had seen the place a few times and we thought "what the hey" and went.
Wow, what an experience! Who would think such a fine establishment would exist in this little town? It was as good a meal as I've had in LA or San Fran or New Orleans etc. Just wow. I can cook pretty well I have to say, so it takes a bit to impress me but color me impressed. We had a lovely bottle of Riesling from the Columbia Valley and voila! sheer heaven.
We got home at about 8 and settled in. We had been invited to a party with some friends but my knee sprain this week pretty much wrecked those plans. So we chilled some champagne and awaited the big moment. About 9:30pm I was just dead. Couldn't stay awake to save my life. Yeah, paaarrrt-eeee!
We agreed we'd just go to bed and she would wake me about 11:45pm and that is what happened. Then I saw the ball drop in NYC and the peach here in Atlanta on split screen. Whooo-hooo!
After that PBS showed a Marx Brothers special for some reason and I actually stayed awake for that. Then back to sleep and then the cat incident.
I think 2004 sort of had me in a "battered wife" syndrome. But 2005? Nope. I'm taking the reigns buddy. But how to do so? Do I come out in the Ali "rope-a-dope" position and hang on until I get a good swing and bitch slap 2005 into knowing who's boss?
Or do I carefully seduce 2005? A swank dinner, a bottle of wine, some sweet talk, "I've never seen a year stacked together like you are, your holidays fall on just the right day,mmmmm...." and then have my way with 2005 for the next twelve months? Only to dump it when a "new" year comes on the scene?
Tough call, tough call.
But either way, you hear me and you hear me well 2005! Either we get along or I am going to have to kick your ass. It's that simple. Happy New Year.

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