Is that chicory on your breath sir? [ 2004-07-17, 7:30 a.m. ]

List of things I hope to do in New Orleans.

1. Eat enough beignets to gain 10 pounds.

2. At some point still be on the clock at work, yet having acrobatic adult relations amidst being more than a bit tipsy.

3. Obtain magic voodoo candle and learn how to cast spells on people. I have a voodoo hit list ready to go.

4. To at least briefly be naked on or near Bourbon Street. Think of the great story that will start "yeah, I was naked on Bourbon Street when..."

5. Give Sig Ot bail money to cover number 4.

6. To eat some Creole cooking so very spicy-hot it makes me cry and wet my pants, though not necessarily in that order.

7. While touring a cemetery I wish to haunted by spirits who will call me "Jake".

8. Hit Bourbon Street at night to see if this is true as quoted from Frommer's.

"Bourbon Street After Dark: Even if you end up hating it, you have to see it at least once. Music spurts and oozes out of windows and doors, drinkers reign supreme, and sex is widely available -- on paper, on stage, and on video. It's wild, disgusting, yet strangely exhilarating."

I mean, Dude! Sex on paper? Watch those paper cuts now, ouch. I think that's what I want on my tombstone ,"He was wild, disgusting, yet strangely exhilarating".

9. Baptise my spirit with the waters of the mighty, muddy Missisippi.

10. To immerse myself in history, sights, sounds, smells, food, drink and revelry and come back refreshed and renewed.

Yeah, even a simple list from me is a long-winded affair.

Off to complete the thousands of tasks I must complete before I leave on Monday.


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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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