One Bad Cat [ 2004-09-22, 8:58 a.m. ]

Before I start waxing poetic about the joys of Tylenol PM again, I must get a bit topical for a moment.

My comrade from Cali,ikss wrote a thought provoking piece last week asking if we really were safer as G.W.B has been saying.

Something happened recently that has caused me to think we most certainly are safer now.

We've deported Cat Stevens aka Ichabob Islam or Marty Muslim or whatever but always Cat Stevens to me. Finally! His covert terrorism has been threatening us for years. For me it started in third grade when I was forced to sing the insipid "Peace Train" by our hippy-dippy tamborine-happy music teacher. Oh the scars still have not healed from that terror. Sometimes at night, I wake up screaming. You think beheading is bad? I'll take that any day over catching Cat doing an over-wrought version of "Morning has broken" on the Today show. Oh his threat is so subtle and so deadly.

Safer? Yes madame, we are now safer with this man off our shores. The grass is greener, the sky is bluer and the birds chirp a cheerful song.

(now for the drug induced poetic waxing part of the program)

Where oh where did summer go? It blew in, cheering us with it's warm breezes, it seems just a short time ago. Life slowed down, girls wore less clothes, baseball reigned supreme and all was right with the world. I can't place my finger on when it changed. Not by the calendar, or even Labor Day. One moment the sky looked different, the air had a tinge of coolness to it. The boys of summer continued playing their game, yet the louder, violent boys who play their game by running into each other at full speed took center stage. The flowers their blooms spent their seeds spread began their retreat into the dark cold night.

One day you are on your porch sipping ice tea and leisurely watching the world parade by. The next the sky darkens, the leaves fall and the sun slips back and pays scant attention to us for a while.

Yes, oh summer, you have gone. And it seems we barely knew you.

gutterpoet + prescription pills + over the counter pills + fatigue = deleted from many buddy lists.

heh. Now if my slide into dementia needed a exclamation point it might be this line I just typed in an email to the Sig Ot. "I forget to remember then forget I forgot." Ouch.

We've caught Cat Stevens people! Let the party begin. Now if we could just keep Madonna out, we'll all sleep better.

God bless America. And lastly, does anyone but me think Ashlee Simpson looks a bit like a man in drag?

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