Why aren't there Bastille Day drink specials? [ 2004-05-05, 8:14 a.m. ]


I have now been invited to fifty different Cinco de Mayo gatherings tonight. Because apparently cinco de mayo translates into "sell gringos watered-down half price margaritas while they order cheap knock-off americanized versions of Mexican food by calling out a number and laugh all the way to the bank". Really.

This begs the question if in Mexico on July 4th, they all crowd into a burger joint and drink half price Miller Lites on American Independance Day. Probably not.

We have a quite sizable Mexican (and hispanic in general as well) population here, so much so that in many areas billboards are in Spanish. That is where I would want to go and whoop it up. What do actual Mexicans do on this day? That's on my list for 2005. Attend actual Cinco de Mayo gala, not a knock-off.

Fifth of May? Doesn't feel like it! I've had temps in the 30's this week out at my house. WTF? 30's? I would ask that my good friends out west, who have an abundance of warm air just now, would collectively blow some of that this way. I don't want to wear long pants again until Sept, thank you very much.

Yes, yes tomorrow's the big day. The Sig Ot has loaded up on tissue to be ready for the Friends finale'. In fact, she wells up everytime a commercial for it comes on! This is why I find women so fascinating. It's a TV show, just a TV show!

Now the cast should be crying though. That million dollar per episode paycheck must be nice to get used to. And you know that none of them will go on to do all that much in the future. It's hard to do when you are so recognized as one character for so long. Hell, Matthew Perry without the show will probably end up dead with his problems. The only smart one is Matt LeBlanc. If it was me, I'd ride that Joey character for all it's worth. He's already had his flop movie or two (something with a monkey and playing baseball wasn't it? Now you'd think a monkey playing baseball would be good movie, wouldn't you?) and he knows it's a cold, harsh world out there. I'd be Joey until I was 70 if I was him.

But this show seems to have been on my entire adult life. It was like 8 girlfriends or so ago I first watched it. Yikes.

At it's peak I can recall it being a part of discussions when with groups of friends. And at some point every circle of friends you were in would have actual to figure out which character you were most like. How funny.

Oh and if you wonder, I was a consenus Joey but I assure you Chandler is closer to the truth I'm afraid.

Okay this has been two hours in the making and is quite enough drivel for now. I'll be drivelin' at ya later.

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