When two Me's collide [ 2004-06-12, 7:39 a.m. ]

Man. Something about work yesterday just made me totally anti-social. Nothing I can point to specifically, but I had just had an ass-load of people for a while. So I took the dog and headed to the most remote area of the mountain for our hike so that we might see nothing but trees, birds, squirrels and maybe a deer or two. These living things along with my dog were the most perfect tonic for the sickness that most humans cause me.

I was thinking last night as well (dammit here we go again) how there seems to be a "Morning Me" and an "Evening Me".

Morning Me is very smarmy and sharp and cynical, looking to make a smart ass crack of some sort. Aggressive, more motivated and centered in the moment.

Evening Me? Evening Me can be very sentimental. Evening Me looks to the past, winks at the future and meanders dreamily through sunset.

Now my question is, am I this way naturally (indeed are all of us?) or has my life made me adapt this way. Is morning me created to get to work, get things done and then evening me decompresses down to Late Night Me (Late night me is a whole different creature altogether, and not always fit for family viewing) so I relax and don't have a stroke?

I dunno. Then the weekends really screw with the system and Morning Me and Evening Me and Late Night Me often collide and get jumbled up. But somehow all the Me's pull it together to work in concert by Monday morning.

And right now it being Saturday morning, I'm not sure which Me has shown up for work. I need to shake off Late Night Me who kept me up a bit too late and see if I can't find Morning Me somewhere to get some yard work done. I'll have some coffee. It's the preffered beverage of Morning Me.

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not so famous last words - 2006-01-06

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